Happy New Year!
When I announced that I was starting a weekly newsletter, my friend Tom said he was excited to see how I’d find enough time and content to keep something like that going.
Well, since this is the third issue in six months, I guess we have our answer.
On the plus side, waiting half a year between emails means I actually have some news to share:
I have a book coming out in March!
The fifth book in the Big Questions series, How Can I Feel Closer to God?, releases in March 2023 and is available for pre-order now from Amazon, Book Depository, The Good Book Company, or your local bookseller!
Here’s the blurb:
If God is real, why doesn’t he feel real? It’s one thing to believe that Christianity is true in your head; it’s another thing to live like it’s true in real life. What does a relationship with Jesus actually look like? What about when going to church or reading the Bible feel like hard work, or just a bit boring? If God wants to be close to us, why does he often seem so far away?
Big questions deserve good answers. In this book, Chris Morphew shows you how to grow your friendship with Jesus through some simple yet powerful habits. Discover how to experience more of Jesus’ love, joy, peace and freedom as he transforms you from the inside out.
I’m really excited about this one! Hope you’ll check it out!
Who Am I and Why Do I Matter? won a fancy award!
I’m stoked to share that Who Am I and Why Do I Matter? has been chosen as the Young Adult Book of the Year as part of Christianity Today’s 2023 Book Awards!
I reckon the team at Christianity Today are some of the best in the world at what they do, and it’s a massive honour to find myself on the list alongside so many other incredible books and authors!
If you’re interested, you can pick up a copy of the book here or here or here.
I made a music video!
During the 2021 lockdown, between my personal channel and my work at school, I made over 100 YouTube videos—at the end of which time, I needed a bit of a break.
But at the end of the 2022 school year, I came out of video-editing retirement to create a music video with some work friends for our final assembly. It’s about 85% school-specific inside jokes, but if you want to understand why I love my job so much, this is a pretty good example:
My friend Tom has a great new book coming out!
Last but not least, you should all go and pick up a copy of Tom French’s excellent new book, Ephesians: Forty Days of Living in God’s Power. If you’ve read my book, Best News Ever, it’s a similar kind of deal—each day for 40 days, it gives you a short bit to read from the biblical book of Ephesians, and then Tom steps you through what it all means for your life today.
I’m halfway through the book now and, like everything Tom writes, it’s funny, engaging, practical, and full of great insights that’ll help you see the Bible—and the great love of Jesus—more clearly.
(Plus, it has hands-down the most awesome cover I’ve ever seen on a devotional book.)
Anyway, that’s all the news for now! Thanks for reading! See you next week or in five months or something!